Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Monday, February 3, 2014

Schools, Sack Lunch and the End of the Semester

I had to snag a picture of this little lunch sack for posterity. I had picked up a package of these paper sacks, and Landon had used them for taking his lunch to school. Landon loves all things Buzz and Toy Story, if you didn't know.  Finally, Landon was down to his last sack ... so he decided to reuse it. Every. Single. Day. It's getting a little ragged, but I have to laugh as I see this same sack day after day. 

Until the end of the semester anyway. The second quarter ended on January 23, and there have been a few changes with the semester switch. 
  • Landon is taking a criminal justice class at the Canyons Tech Center. This is a concurrent enrollment at SLCC. He attends Herriman High School for two classes in the morning, then heads out to Draper for his "college" class. There are lunches sold on the campus, so while he had packed and taken his lunch everyday the first semester, he's now saying "Mom, I need lunch money" ... The campus change also affects carpool. He had been giving a buddy a ride home from school, and stopping to pick up the middle school kids. Now ... I'm back on middle school carpool duty. 
  • Callahan IS taking a sack lunch to school now that the semester has changed. The first semester, he had class right next to the lunchroom, so he could get there quickly and not wait in line. Now that classes have changed, Callahan is reverting to bringing a lunch from home. The first day he looked perplexed and said "I don't remember how to prep my lunch" ... he HAD prepped his own lunch at times, but it has fallen back to me at this point. Often I'll pack him two lunches! One for during school, and one for after (as he stays for basketball practice or to hang out with friends). 
  • Keaton (and Callahan) are bummed that they no longer have gym. That is their favorite class. Keaton is very happy to be done with Utah Studies though. He had a big assignment to finish up the semester, where he had to interview someone (we ended up talking to a neighbor who had worked in the local government). I thought it ended up being an interesting assignment (from my Mommy perspective and my help on the project). 
  • Cooper is doing great at Terra Linda and is at the top of his class. After the bond failed in the recent election (the district had been trying to gain funds for new schools and such) there was talk of boundary changes and a switch to year round school. It literally made me sick to my stomach. After I had pulled the kids from their former school JUST to get on a traditional schedule, to have to go back to tracks. It sounded inevitable, and Cooper made me PROMISE I would not make him switch schools again. Very happy to report Terra Linda is staying traditional, maybe just committing to one year at a time, but I'll take it. I did a "happy dance" in the school office when this was verified (seriously, ask the ladies who work there, I danced!) 
  • Colton is also doing great in school. He has his cute little ... lisp, or something, I'm not sure, but if you've heard him speak, you know what I'm talking about. I actually love it, and Colton doesn't seem embarrassed or anything - but I figured at some point it might not be considered so cute. So he is starting speech in addition to his regular classwork. 

Back to lunches ... morning is always busy as I make breakfast and prep lunches for the boys. One great find has been the pre-sliced apples. I'd seen them around, but figured why buy them? Just eat an apple. But Gray grabbed a packed of the pre-sliced ones for a scout campout, and the boys loved them. They are so quick and convenient, and they don't brown, so they are perfect for school lunch. They have become a staple in our house. I've also started baking a double batch of brownies, and bagging them up for lunch treats ... I just need to keep Landon out of my stash!

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