Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Junior Jazz

December through February is Junior Jazz season. I signed up both Colton and Cooper this year. Cooper was with a few of his teammates from Fall, a neighbor (Jaxon) and then some new kids. They were playing in the 4th grade "team" (competitive) division, even though half the team was just in 3rd grade (and one 2nd grader). Colton had his buddies Randon and Garren on his team, and Randon's dad was coach. 

 Colton's Crew

Cooper's Crew

Colton's games were all at the Gene Fullmer Recreation Center.  There is a track above the court, and I really like to get some jogging or walking in during the games when such an opportunity presents itself. But if I'm doing that, then I can't man the video camera to get highlights. I compromised a bit. I'd walk while the boys had their "practice" portion, and then I'd come down and video while Colton was in. If he was sitting out, I'd go back up and get some steps in. I did get enough footage to make a couple of muvees. I shared the first a bit ago (Basketball Update) and here's the one from the rest of the season ...

Cooper had been a little reticent about playing again. After a rocky start in Fall, he had really enjoyed that season, but he was nervous about the "new" team, even though there were some of the same players. It just wasn't gelling the same, he wasn't getting the passes, the playing time, the scoring. He didn't care for the "kid" refs that he felt didn't call everything (he worries about getting hurt). He played the first few games, then as the season hit it's holiday hiatus ... he didn't want to go back. We only hit a couple of the remaining games. Here's Cooper's videos (all from the first part of the season, December 2013) ...

The boys have tickets for Jazz games in March. We missed the "player appearance" this year, as Colton was sick and I was taking Keaton to one of his games. I felt bad Cooper missed it, as it was Gordon Hayward, one of Cooper's favorites. Colton ended up being sick and missing his last game. Cooper did go to his last game ... he didn't really want to but I "encouraged" him to. I like closure, and he needed to pick up his pictures and trophy.

Thus ends this season of Junior Jazz. Cooper says he does NOT want to play on a team anymore, and I don't think I'll be pushing him. I know Colton will want to keep playing. He'd like to play basketball more than just winter, but there aren't as many options for him at this age, but as soon as he's a year or so older, then he can play year round if he wants. We'll see ...

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