Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Callahan 15

Happy birthday to Callahan! This picture was actually taken the morning AFTER his birthday.  He said his hair looked funny ... between the pulled up hoodie and his expression, he looks like the unibomber! It had been a late night on Friday (at least 9:30) so we waited on the cake ... and had it for breakfast.

On this actual birthday, the high school basketball teams were playing and Callahan and his basketball buddies always go to cheer and support the teams. I picked up pizza, crazy bread and some cupcakes and took them to the school for a little impromptu party. I don't know why Callahan doesn't look happy ... everyone else seems pretty darn pleased!

Cute little Callahan!
Check out all the pictures from birth-15 here.

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