Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Saturday, February 10, 2001

Star Wars Humor

Star Wars Humor
There seems to be a LOT of funny stuff
with a Star Wars theme lately ...

Here's a twist on those motivational posters you see everywhere ...

I almost bought one of these :)

Storm Trooper and Son
Great article with daily photos - check it out!

Star Wars Volkswagon Superbowl Commercial (2011)
Cute Little Darth Vader

Star Wars Recap ...
(I'll need to try and capture some of our own home movies,
of Callahan talking about "wuke", r2D2, and EEIO (C3P0)
... he was a fan a three years old too )

Join the Dark Side ...

Good At-At


A good tool for any Star Wars fan

 Politics ... I'd Vote

Conference Call

This video below isn't "funny", but it's pretty incredible
Lego Star Wars Chalk Art ... in 3D

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