Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, January 15, 2010

Poor Birdy ...

ooops ... Grayson's truck and a poor little birdy collided ....

Other recent Blackham happenings ... Landon got his first paycheck $$$$$ ... I guess we're going to need to open him up a checking/savings account so he'll have someplace to deposit it. He's been working five hours each Saturday as a ref for Jr. Jazz. So far it's been a really good experience. Callahan is happy that basketball has started back up ... Christmas break is hard on him as games and practices are postponed. They lost last Saturday (Jr.Jazz) but won on Wednesday (Superleague). Keaton took a little tumble at school last week and hurt his wrist. It was just a sprain, but he has been in a splint for a week. Cooper and Colton ... well, let's just say that sometimes diapers would actually be easier than dealing with newly pottytrained people ...


  1. We collided with a bird once up in Idaho...our windshield did not agree with the bird. It was gross!

  2. Oh yuck! I can't believe it stayed on! Clay hit a bird once when he was getting on Bangerter Hwy but there were only some feathers left on the grate.
