Daily Doings and Weekly Reports

Friday, September 25, 2009

Kindergarten Cooper


Doesn't he look cute? After two years in Ms. Cindi's preschool, Cooper "graduated". Now technically, Cooper could have qualified to go to kindergarten last year, just barely squeaking in before the deadline. But ... he wasn't potty trained and was the ultimate mommy's boy, so I kept him with me one more year. I was a little worried he might not be ready for kindergarten even as he was turning six years old (he cried all through registration). But when the day came... off he went. I loved capturing this photo as he came out.

Cooper's really doing great in school. His teacher says he's a wonderful boy and an example to others. There are still days when he cries and he doesn't want to go to school ... and truthfully, I'd actually LOVE to have him home with me. Little brother Colton is just lost without him and can't wait until it's time to pick him up each day. Go kindergarten Cooper !

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